I am OCD.
This probably comes as no surprise to many of you.
Granted, this is not OCD about EVERYTHING. I mean, you haven't see the master bathroom, and for good reason, too. I mean, the bathtub has lawn clippings in it for hell's sake!
Anyway, I digress. I am OCD about certain things, like my DVD collection being in alphabetical order. One part of my OCDness is socks.
When wearing socks, I *HAVE* to wear a matched pair. I can't wear a pair of two different socks, even if they're roughly the same size.
Even worse, I try to match some stains on socks. I was painting my bedroom once, and the socks I was wearing that day got a bit of paint on them. I now have to make sure those two specific socks form a matching pair when I wear them. I can't wear one sock with paint on it and one without.
My biggest pet peeve, however, is the fact that I have four different brands of socks right now. I can't mix and match brands of course, so folding takes longer than usual while I try to hunt down an appropriate match for one sock.
I recently decided that enough is enough. No, I'm not going to start mismatching socks. Instead, I've been replacing my entire sock collection with brand new pairs, all of the same brand! Now they're all identical, and I can fold my socks with ease!
Is this something a sane person would do? Do I need to be committed?