Africa Adventures, Day 14 & 15: Namibian Village Visit

Sunday, April 3, 2011
Today we took a boat over to Impalila Island on the Namibian side of the Chobe River - we were going to check out some villages over there.

The villages seem to have become accustomed to westerners coming over to visit, as they had a wide variety of trinkets that you could buy that were identical to the ones you could buy just about anywhere else in Africa.

This is a rather large termite mound.

There was a boat that was no longer in use that some of the village children were playing on. I hopped on one end of the boat and the kids tried to rock me off of it. I played with them for a good hour or so.

Tonight is our last night in Botswana. I was sure to grab a sunset picture over the river before turning in for the night. Tomorrow: A bit of laundry and relaxing before heading off to Jo'burg again.