Puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy pupp

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I have been considering getting a dog for quite some time, but could never get myself to pull the trigger.

However Kate succeeded where I failed, and we adopted Goomba on Saturday, November 1st. Goomba is a Newfoundland (or "Newfie"), and they grow quite large - up to 150 lbs! Goomba weighed in at 14 lbs 6 oz at his six week checkup. I took him in for his nine week checkup this morning and he weighed in at 27 lbs 9 oz - almost double his weight four weeks ago!

Newfoundland's are excellent water dogs, and Goomba already seems to have an obsession with water - he often eats and drinks with at least one paw in his water bowl (sometimes all four), and he has even fallen asleep with a paw in the bowl!


jenny said...

so cute!! i'm glad you finally came to :)

Kellie & Cody said...

Dave! You seriously have got to be one of the most well rounded men I know! Why aren't you married?? Your puppy is darling! I'm glad you saw my blog...it will be fun to keep in touch more!

Brein said...

Lol! Finally a family man! So your saying by the time this pup is full grown it will be bigger than you and smaller than me!??!?! hahahaha

Sarah Bellum said...

Finally! I can't wait to meet puppy pants.